A Dedication to the Wartime Service of
Donald Leon Judy (1944-1946)
The following is a personal memoir of Motor Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class Donald “Babe” Judy during his his naval service in World War II. He enlisted with the United States Navy at the age of 18, over halfway into the war, and recorded his experiences in a service log which I found and transcribed into a digital format. The entries are terse, but they offer a brief insight into who he was at that age, how he thought, and what he felt as he traversed the Pacific theater in a time of violence and uncertainty.
“Those who fight for liberty, often find it in eternity”
– Unknown
** I should offer a brief disclaimer before you read: Babe uses some racy language in certain passages when referring to fellow servicemen and adversaries alike. Please keep in mind this is not necessarily an accurate reflection of his disposition towards these people, rather more likely another fascinating insight into the social psychology of the young men of his time and circumstances. Enjoy the journal, reflect on his life, and remember his legacy. RIP.
Click the link below to browse the log and feel free to download it for offline access:
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